
Refund Policy

Refund Policy

How to refund

  1. In case of payment by credit card with full payment or installment, the Company will refund the credit back to the credit limit used by the customer within 15– 30 days (the name on the credit card must be matched by the user on the website only).
    2. In case of cash or bank transfer, the Company will refund money back to the bank account that the customer has notified at the return menu within 15-30 days from the date the Company receives the full document*.

Document required in refunding

  1. Original receipt
    2. A copy of the book bank account (page with name and account number) with a certified true copy for the Company to transfer money for goods and transportation back. (In the case of cash payment)
    3. A copy of the sale order
  2. A copy of the ID card with a certified true copy

If there are any inquiries about refund, please contact (021) 2936 5222